What is traditional Swiss boy's clothing?

Traditional Swiss boy's clothing typically includes the following elements:

1. Lederhosen: Lederhosen are short leather pants with suspenders that are commonly worn in Switzerland and other Alpine regions. They are typically made of sturdy leather and are often decorated with embroidery or other embellishments. Lederhosen are considered a symbol of Swiss tradition and are commonly worn for festive occasions or traditional events.

2. Shirt: The shirt worn with lederhosen is usually made of a light fabric, such as linen or cotton, and is typically white. It can have various styles of collar, such as a traditional stand-up collar or a ruffled collar. The shirt is usually tucked into the lederhosen.

3. Socks: Traditional Swiss boys wear knee-high socks, known as "Wadenwickel," which are often made of wool or cotton. These socks are usually folded over at the knee and secured with sock garters or ribbons.

4. Shoes: Traditional Swiss footwear includes leather shoes, often called "Müschis," which are similar to loafers with lacing detail. These shoes are typically worn with traditional Swiss attire for special occasions.

To get a visual representation of traditional Swiss boy's clothing, you can search for images on the internet using keywords such as "traditional Swiss boy's clothing" or "Swiss lederhosen." This will provide you with a visual reference and give you a better understanding of the attire.