Hey, Im doing a paper on Pascal's work in physics, but most of the sites that google gives me concern mostly about his religious life and only briefly talk about his scientific accomplishments. I need help finding a site that gives in depth detail of his experiments with the barometer, air pressure, and fluidity-- how he came about discovering air pressure and developing Pascal's law. Thanks!

Check these sites:



The one about Pascal's Law just gives sites about what it is, and its applications, not what Pascal himself did to discover it, which is what I need.


Finding detailed information on Pascal's experiments with the barometer, air pressure, and fluidity can be a bit challenging, as many online sources tend to focus more on his religious life. However, there are some reputable resources that provide in-depth information on his scientific contributions. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find a suitable site:

1. Start by using academic search engines: Instead of relying solely on popular search engines like Google, you can use academic search engines such as JSTOR, ScienceDirect, or Google Scholar. These platforms specialize in providing scholarly articles and academic papers, which tend to have more comprehensive information.

2. Use specific keywords: Since you are interested in Pascal's experiments with the barometer, air pressure, and fluidity, make sure to use these specific keywords in your search. For example, you can try combinations such as "Pascal's experiments barometer air pressure," "blaise pascal barometer experiments," or "Pascal's law experiments."

3. Filter your search results: After conducting the search, you may need to filter the results to find relevant sources. Be cautious of popular science articles or blog posts, as they might not delve into the required level of detail. Instead, focus on academic articles, research papers, or books written by experts in the field.

4. Check scholarly databases or journals: If you have access to scholarly databases or journals through your educational institution, take advantage of them to find articles specifically dedicated to Pascal's experiments in physics. Libraries often provide access to databases like JSTOR, IEEE Xplore, or Elsevier.

5. Consult reputable scientific websites: Some scientific websites, such as Encyclopedia Britannica, Physics World, or Scientific American, can also provide reliable information on Pascal's experiments and scientific contributions. Make sure to cross-reference the information with other sources to ensure accuracy.

Remember, it's always essential to critically evaluate the information you find, considering the credibility and expertise of the sources.