make up a list of 7 numbers having the following landmarks: mode: 21, median: 24, maximum: 35, range: 20

Start with maximum 35 and range 20, you have the maximum and the minimum.

Knowing that median is the "middle" number, so you have the third.

Mode is the most occuring number, so place 21 at least twice in the right place, and make sure the other numbers do not repeat.

Can you take it from here?

15, 21, 21, 24, 25, 26, 35

To create a list of 7 numbers with the given landmarks, we need to consider the mode, median, maximum, and range.

1. Mode: The mode represents the value that appears most frequently in a dataset. In this case, the mode is 21. Since the mode can be any value that appears more than once, we can include 21 more than once in our list.

2. Median: The median is the middle value in a sorted dataset. In this case, the median is 24. To ensure that the median is 24, we should place it in the middle of our list.

3. Maximum: The maximum is the highest value in the dataset. In this case, the maximum is 35. To meet this requirement, we need to include 35 in our list.

4. Range: The range is the difference between the maximum and minimum values in a dataset. In this case, the range is 20. By subtracting 20 from the maximum value (35), we can determine the minimum value (15).

Using these guidelines, we can form a list with the given landmarks:

15, 21, 21, 24, 24, 35, x

To complete the list, we only need to add one more value, denoted by 'x.' The final number must fall within the range defined by the maximum (35) and the minimum (15). As long as the value of 'x' is between 15 and 35, the list will satisfy all the given landmarks.