1. My grandma started to write history books at age 76.

2. My grandma started to write history books at the age of 76.

3. My grandma started to write history books at aged 76.

4. My grandma started to write history books when she was 76 years old.

5. My grandma started to write history books when 79 years old.

6. My grandma started to write history books at 76.

(Are all the expressions grammatical?)

My grandma started to write history books at age 76.

#s 3 and 5 are incorrect. The others are fine.

A little extra "why" on #3 = age is a noun but aged is an adjective.

#5 is missing the verb required in the last phrase. (when she WAS...)


Yes, all the expressions you provided are grammatically correct. However, there are some differences in terms of style and usage.

1. "My grandma started to write history books at age 76." - This sentence is grammatically correct. Some people prefer to use the phrase "at age" instead of "at the age of" to indicate a specific age.

2. "My grandma started to write history books at the age of 76." - This sentence is also grammatically correct. It is a more formal and commonly used way to indicate an age.

3. "My grandma started to write history books at aged 76." - This sentence is grammatically incorrect. "Aged" is not typically used as a verb in this context.

4. "My grandma started to write history books when she was 76 years old." - This sentence is grammatically correct and conveys the same meaning as the previous examples. It uses the phrase "when she was" to indicate the age at which she started writing history books.

5. "My grandma started to write history books when 79 years old." - This sentence is grammatically correct, but it states that your grandma started writing history books at the age of 79, not 76 as mentioned in the previous sentences. It is important to use the correct age in the sentence.

6. "My grandma started to write history books at 76." - This sentence is grammatically correct. It is a more concise way to indicate the age at which your grandma started writing history books.

Overall, all the expressions you provided convey the same meaning but have slight differences in style and usage.