Which account of an Azerbaijani demonstration for independence that turned into a riot do you think would be the most reliable?

the account in a Soviet newspaper
the account of an Azerbaijani protester
the account of a Swedish reporter
the account of a Muslim leader

I'm thinking it's either C or D... Maybe D? I can't figure this one out using the book.

Probably C -- the rest are likely to be biased to some degree or another.

To determine the most reliable account of an Azerbaijani demonstration for independence that turned into a riot, it is important to consider the potential biases and perspectives of the sources. Let's examine each option:

A. The account in a Soviet newspaper: This source may have a bias towards the Soviet government and what they want to convey to the public. It is possible that they would downplay or censor any information that portrays the demonstration negatively.

B. The account of an Azerbaijani protester: While this source may provide a more firsthand perspective, it is important to consider that individual protesters may have their own biases, motivations, or limited understanding of the overall events.

C. The account of a Swedish reporter: This source could provide a more objective perspective, as a foreign journalist may have less stake in the internal affairs of Azerbaijan. They might have the training and experience to report in an unbiased manner.

D. The account of a Muslim leader: While a Muslim leader may have insights into the motivations of the protesters or their religious significance, their perspective might be influenced by their own religious or political agenda. They might focus on aspects that align with their own interests.

Based on these considerations, option C, the account of a Swedish reporter, seems to be the most reliable. This source is likely to provide a more balanced and objective view compared to the others. However, it's always wise to consider multiple sources and cross-reference information to get a more comprehensive understanding of the event.