Why is it so hard to make the thing that you want the thing that you need

Take study skills for instance.


We all need to learn to listen, take notes, study smart with notes and text, and remember.

IT is hard work, and requires us to put in effort to changing lazy habits. Well, we need it. Why don't we want it?

It's not only hard, it's often impossible. Money, common sense, safety, and the feelings of others may prevent us from getting what we want.

I may want a Mercedes, a pound of chocolate a day, and the love of a particular person. However, I don't need any of these, nor in the long run will I really want them.

Your question is confusing. Who do you want to convince that a want is a need? Are you trying to convince someone else that your want is needed?

It is like trying to convince someone that a luxury is a necessity. We need a certain amount of food to survive, but we don't need to eat our favorite foods (ones we might want) to survive. Likewise, we need to be clothed (especially in cold weather), but we do not need to have a wanted style of clothing.

I hope this helps, but I don't know if it will.

The difficulty in aligning what you want with what you need is primarily due to the difference in their nature and underlying motivations.

What we want is often driven by our desires, preferences, and emotions. These can be influenced by external factors such as societal pressures, advertising, and personal aspirations. Our wants are usually focused on immediate gratification and are subjective to personal tastes and biases. For instance, you may want to eat a delicious, sugary dessert even though you know it's not the healthiest choice.

On the other hand, what we need is determined by objective factors like our basic survival requirements, long-term well-being, and essential goals. Our needs are often rooted in rationality, practicality, and logic. They are essential for our physical, emotional, and mental health. For example, you may need to eat a balanced and nutritious meal to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The conflict arises because what we want and what we need may not always align. Sometimes, what we want may be detrimental to our well-being or may hinder us from achieving our long-term goals. Additionally, fulfilling our wants may require time, resources, or sacrifices that can strain our ability to meet our needs. It can be challenging to find a balance between addressing our desires and fulfilling our fundamental needs.

To align what you want with what you need, it is crucial to prioritize and evaluate your choices objectively. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Understand your needs: Assess your fundamental requirements in various aspects of life, such as physical health, relationships, personal growth, and financial stability.

2. Analyze your wants: Reflect on your desires and determine if they align with your long-term goals or if they may hinder your well-being.

3. Set priorities: Prioritize your needs over wants, focusing on fulfilling the essential requirements first before indulging in luxuries or desires.

4. Practice self-discipline: Develop discipline and self-control to resist impulsive wants that may conflict with your needs and long-term goals.

5. Seek guidance and support: Discuss your wants and needs with trusted individuals who can provide objective input and help you make informed decisions.

Remember, it is possible to find a middle ground where you can fulfill both your wants and needs to a certain extent. The key is to strike a balance and make conscious choices that prioritize your well-being and long-term goals while still acknowledging and addressing your desires.