the site you gave me didn't worked for me. tell me something about indus valley's food, tools, and farming?

please helpme

Please read all of the sites that Writeacher and I posted for you last light. I know your answers are there.

If your computer won't bring up these websites, I suggest you go to your library.

thanks for helping

You're welcome.

I apologize if the website I provided did not work for you. I'll be happy to provide some information about the Indus Valley civilization's food, tools, and farming.

The people of the Indus Valley civilization had a varied diet that primarily consisted of wheat, barley, and rice. They also cultivated a variety of vegetables such as peas, lentils, and mustard. Animal products like milk, meat (from sheep, goats, and pigs), and fish were also consumed. It is believed that honey was an essential part of their diet as well. The Indus Valley people used stone grinders called querns to grind grains into flour.

The tools used by the Indus Valley civilization were mainly made of stone, copper, and bronze. Stone tools included blades, knives, and scrapers. They also made pottery using techniques like wheel-making and fired pottery in kilns. Copper and bronze tools were used for various purposes such as farming, woodworking, and metalworking. These tools included axes, adzes, chisels, sickles, and needles.

Farming was a vital aspect of the Indus Valley civilization's economy. The people practiced both rain-fed and canal-based agriculture. They built sophisticated systems of canals and drains to control the flow of water for irrigation. The fertile floodplains of the Indus River provided the necessary conditions for successful agriculture. They used the wooden plow, pulled by animals such as oxen, to prepare the fields for cultivation. The irrigation systems and agricultural practices used by the Indus Valley people were quite advanced for their time.

To find further details about the Indus Valley civilization's food, tools, and farming, you can try searching for reputable historical or archaeological sources. Books, academic journals, and online databases can provide in-depth information on this topic.