Survey five Web sites that contain mathematical activities, manipulatives, or lesson plans for fractions, decimals, or percents. Prepare an annotated bibliography for each Web site, along with a brief explanation of why each site is worthwhile, and how you might use it in the classroom.

Sounds pretty clear to me. What is your question?

To complete this task, you would need to conduct a web search to find suitable websites that offer mathematical activities, manipulatives, or lesson plans for fractions, decimals, or percents. Here are the steps you can follow to find these websites and prepare the annotated bibliography:

Step 1: Open a web browser and go to a search engine like Google or Bing.
Step 2: Enter relevant keywords such as "math activities for fractions," "manipulatives for decimals," or "lesson plans for percents" in the search bar.
Step 3: Explore the search results and select five websites that seem appropriate.
Step 4: Visit each website and carefully evaluate its content to determine its suitability and usefulness for the classroom.
Step 5: Prepare an annotated bibliography for each website, providing a brief summary of the website's content and explaining why it is worthwhile to use in the classroom.

Here is an example of how you might structure the annotated bibliography for each website:

1. Website: ABC Math Learning
Summary: ABC Math Learning offers a variety of interactive activities and games for teaching fractions. The website provides both visual manipulatives and practice exercises to help students grasp concepts like equivalent fractions and fraction operations.
Worthwhile Features: The website's engaging and intuitive interface makes it appealing to students, while the range of activities cater to different learning styles. It also provides printable worksheets and assessments for teachers.
Classroom Use: Teachers can use ABC Math Learning as a supplemental resource during in-class practice or for independent practice at home. The interactive games can be used during group work or as a reward activity to reinforce concepts.

2. Website: Math Playground
Summary: Math Playground includes interactive games and activities to help students develop a solid understanding of decimals. The website offers real-world scenarios and problem-solving opportunities that allow students to apply decimals in practical contexts.
Worthwhile Features: Math Playground provides clear instructions and instant feedback, allowing students to learn from their mistakes. The site also offers free downloadable worksheets and lesson plans for teachers.
Classroom Use: Math Playground can be used as a station activity during math centers or as an extension for early finishers. Teachers can also incorporate the website's problem-solving activities into their lesson plans to develop critical thinking skills.

3. Website: Illuminations - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
Summary: Illuminations, created by NCTM, is a comprehensive resource that includes lesson plans, interactive tools, and manipulatives for teaching percents. The website offers a wide range of innovative resources, including virtual manipulatives, simulations, and interactive lessons.
Worthwhile Features: Illuminations provides detailed lesson plans aligned with the Common Core Standards, making it easy for teachers to integrate them into their curriculum. The website also offers formative assessments and video examples for teacher professional development.
Classroom Use: Teachers can use Illuminations to access ready-to-use lesson plans and virtual manipulatives that help students visualize and understand the concept of percents. The interactive activities can be used for whole-class instruction or practiced individually by students.

Repeat the same structure for the remaining two websites you have found.

Remember to tailor the explanations to the specific features and content of each website, highlighting their relevance to teaching fractions, decimals, or percents.