'You're Abraham Lincoln's campaign manager. Your job is to convince the public to elect him sixteenth president of the US. Write an appeal to voters--to be printed in newspapers around the country--urging them to vote for him. "Sell" Lincoln to the public by emphasizing his qualifications: his character, background, achievements, and plans for the country's future.'

To write this, I know about Abe Lincoln's character and background but I need help knowing his achievements and plans for the country's future. Also, what might appeal to voters in the 1860s? I need some ideas on that.



Read widely -- and remember to check out all those links at the bottom of the page in Wikipedia articles.

This assignment fails to consider the audience: What appeals to voters depends on the voters. That was Lincoln's delimina, and the difference between the North and the South.

So with that great omission in the assignment, You might as well try to sell bacon in Iran. It is the same assignment. So to sell bacon in Iran, you change its name, and its image. It now is the other white meat, and you emphasise not where it came from, but how good it is, and what can be done with it, and how bad the alternative (red meat) is for you.
I would do the same for Abe, if I were you, appeal to those things all can agree on. Recently, we elected "Hope", in the face of a messy war, economy, and a runaway government on violating civil rights. Perhaps, again, you can use that in Abe's campaign. Emphasise Hope, Enterprise.
Nice assignment.

As Abraham Lincoln's campaign manager, your task is to convince the public to elect him as the sixteenth president of the United States. To effectively do so, it is important to highlight Lincoln's qualifications, character, background, achievements, and plans for the country's future. Here are some insights into Lincoln's achievements and plans, as well as ideas to appeal to voters in the 1860s.

1. Emphasize Lincoln's character and background:
a. Highlight his humble beginnings and self-education, as he had experienced the struggles and challenges faced by ordinary Americans.
b. Emphasize his integrity, honesty, and commitment to justice, as these are important qualities that many voters look for in a leader.
c. Highlight his strong moral compass and dedication to preserving the principles of the United States Constitution.

2. Highlight Lincoln's achievements:
a. Mention his successful legal career, which demonstrates his ability to navigate complex legal issues and find solutions beneficial to all parties involved.
b. Communicate his leadership during the Lincoln-Douglas debates, showcasing his eloquence, understanding of political issues, and ability to inspire people with his words.
c. Highlight his role in the passage of the Homestead Act of 1862, which promoted westward expansion and gave Americans the opportunity to own land.
d. Emphasize his opposition to slavery and his dedication to preserving the Union during the tumultuous era leading up to the Civil War.

3. Touch on Lincoln's plans for the country's future:
a. Stress his commitment to preserving the Union and reuniting a divided nation.
b. Highlight his plans for a strong economy, including the promotion of industrialization and the development of a national infrastructure system.
c. Discuss his ideas for expanding opportunities for education and economic advancement, ensuring that all citizens have equal access to resources and opportunities.
d. Emphasize his commitment to ending slavery and advancing civil rights for all Americans, promoting equality and justice for everyone.

4. Appeal to voters in the 1860s:
a. Connect with the values and aspirations of the time, such as freedom, equality, and the United States' democratic principles.
b. Address the concerns and anxieties of the era, including the preservation of the Union and the impact of a divided nation on people's lives.
c. Highlight Lincoln's ability to bring people together and create unity, which was a crucial element during a period of political and social divisions.
d. Use emotionally resonant language to build trust and inspire hope, focusing on how Lincoln's leadership can guide the nation through the challenges it faces.

Remember, the key to a successful appeal is understanding the concerns and aspirations of voters in the 1860s and effectively communicating how Abraham Lincoln's qualifications and plans align with those priorities.