Terry bicycles for 1/4 at an average speed of x km/hr. He then cycles for 1/3 hour at an average speed of x+10 km/hr. he cycles a total distance of 15 km. work out the value of x.

(1/4)x + (1/3)(x+10) = 15

(7/12)x = 15 - 10/3 = 35/3

(1/12)x = 5/3

x = 60/3 = 20

To solve this problem, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Let's break down the question into two parts:

1) In the first part of the journey, Terry cycles for 1/4 hour (or 0.25 hours) at an average speed of x km/hr.

For this part of the journey, the distance Terry travels can be calculated as: distance1 = x km/hr × 0.25 hr

2) In the second part of the journey, Terry cycles for 1/3 hour (or 0.33 hours) at an average speed of (x+10) km/hr.

For this part of the journey, the distance Terry travels can be calculated as: distance2 = (x+10) km/hr × 0.33 hr

Now, we know that the total distance Terry cycles is 15 km:

distance1 + distance2 = 15 km

Substituting the formulas for distance1 and distance2, we get:

(x km/hr × 0.25 hr) + ((x+10) km/hr × 0.33 hr) = 15 km

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of x.

0.25x + 0.33(x+10) = 15

First, distribute the 0.33 to x and 10:

0.25x + 0.33x + 3.3 = 15

Combine like terms:

0.58x + 3.3 = 15

Subtract 3.3 from both sides:

0.58x = 11.7

Divide both sides by 0.58:

x = 20.17

Therefore, the value of x is approximately 20.17 km/hr.