which of the sentences given below means approximately the same as:"beauty is only skin deep"?

a )some actresses are made up by the studios so that you cannot tell what they really look like
b ) don't judge a book by its over
c) some people have prettier appearance than other.
d) good looks don't matter that much

The skin is very much like the cover of a book. Both have nothing to do with what is on the inside.

d) good looks don't matter that much

C) Some people have a prettier appearance than others.

But let me tell you, beauty may be skin deep, but the real charm lies in having a face that can launch a thousand ships, even if those ships have seen better days!

The sentence that means approximately the same as "beauty is only skin deep" is option d) "good looks don't matter that much."

To determine which sentence means approximately the same as "beauty is only skin deep," let's break down the meaning of the original saying. "Beauty is only skin deep" implies that physical appearance is not a true reflection of a person's worth or character. It suggests that outer beauty is not the most important factor and should not be a sole basis for judgment or evaluation.

Now let's analyze each given sentence to determine its similarity to the original saying:

a) "Some actresses are made up by the studios so that you cannot tell what they really look like."
This sentence discusses how actresses are manipulated by studios to appear differently, which implies that their true appearance may not necessarily reflect their outward beauty. While it touches upon the idea of deception, it does not directly convey the message that physical appearance is not everything. Therefore, this sentence does not mean approximately the same as the original saying.

b) "Don't judge a book by its cover."
This sentence aligns closely with the meaning of the original saying. It suggests that it is unwise to form judgments based solely on external appearances and reminds us that there is more to a person than what meets the eye. Therefore, this sentence means approximately the same as "beauty is only skin deep."

c) "Some people have a prettier appearance than others."
This sentence focuses on the comparison of physical appearances among individuals and does not address the idea that beauty is not the ultimate determining factor of a person's value or character. It does not express the concept that beauty is only superficial or surface-level. Therefore, this sentence does not mean approximately the same as the original saying.

d) "Good looks don't matter that much."
While this sentence suggests that physical attractiveness is not of great importance, it does not explicitly convey that beauty is only skin deep. It touches upon the idea that looks are not crucial, but it does not emphasize the depth behind the concept of beauty. Therefore, this sentence does not mean approximately the same as the original saying.

In conclusion, the sentence that means approximately the same as "beauty is only skin deep" is:

b) "Don't judge a book by its cover."