Does 3x^2=5 represent a linear equation or a quadratic equation?

Does y=10^2 represent a linear or quadratic equation?
does y=2x=23-14x repesent a linear or quadratic equation?

if y or x is to a power greater than 1, it is a quadratic.

To determine whether an equation is linear or quadratic, we need to analyze its degree, which is the highest power of the variable.

1. The equation 3x^2 = 5:
By observing the equation, we can see that the highest power of x is 2. Hence, this equation represents a quadratic equation.

2. The equation y = 10^2:
Since the equation has only a plain number (10^2) on the right side, there is no presence of a variable that can be squared. Therefore, this equation represents a linear equation.

3. The equation y = 2x + 23 - 14x:
We need to simplify the equation to determine its type.
Combining like terms, we get: y = -12x + 23.
In this equation, the highest power of x is 1 since there is no x^2 term. Therefore, this equation represents a linear equation.