Any help on this I have to go to bed!!!!

Help!!!! I can't find these answers anywhere and I don't have a science text book.

1. A tough outer covering that lies right outside the cel membrane.

2. A twisted membrane with portions that break off to form vesicles that tranport materials.

1- cell wall

2- endoplasmic reticulum- rough and smooth

Thank You Goodnight!!!

I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble finding the answers you need. Don't worry, I'm here to help!

To find the answers to your questions, you can utilize various online resources. There are many websites and educational platforms that provide information on scientific topics. Here's how you can find the answers to the questions you've asked:

1. A tough outer covering that lies right outside the cell membrane: This description refers to the cell wall. The cell wall is a rigid layer found in plant cells, bacteria, fungi, and some protists. To find more information about the cell wall, you can search for "cell wall" on a search engine like Google, or you can visit educational websites such as Khan Academy or Biology Online.

2. A twisted membrane with portions that break off to form vesicles that transport materials: This description corresponds to the Golgi apparatus (also known as the Golgi complex or Golgi body). The Golgi apparatus is an organelle in eukaryotic cells that modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and lipids into vesicles for transport to other parts of the cell or for secretion. To learn more about the Golgi apparatus, you can search for "Golgi apparatus" on a search engine or refer to biology textbooks available online.

Remember, it's always beneficial to have access to reliable scientific resources, such as textbooks or reputable websites, to enhance your understanding of the topic. If you have access to a library, you might also consider borrowing a science textbook for further reference.