The Lappans buy 3 large sandwich wraps to serve at a picnic. 9 people in all will be at the picnic. Show 3 different ways to cut the sandwiches so that each person gets an equal share.

Divide each sandwich into thirds and give each person one piece of one sandwich only.

Divide each into sixths and give each person two pieces.

I have a question

Split the 3 segments ito 6ths and give each person 2 pieces.

To find three different ways to cut the sandwiches so that each person gets an equal share, we first need to determine how many portions each sandwich needs to be divided into.

Since there are 9 people and 3 sandwiches, each sandwich needs to be divided into 9 equal portions. Let's represent the portions by cutting the sandwiches into smaller pieces.

Method 1: Dividing each sandwich into 9 equal portions
- Cut each sandwich into 9 equal pieces, making sure each piece is of the same size.
- Serve one piece from each of the three sandwiches to each person. This ensures that each person gets an equal share of the sandwiches.

Method 2: Dividing each sandwich into 6 equal portions
- Cut each sandwich into 6 equal pieces, making sure they are the same size.
- Serve one piece from each of the three sandwiches to each person. This way, each person will still receive an equal share, but the portions will be slightly larger.

Method 3: Dividing each sandwich into 3 equal portions
- Cut each sandwich into 3 equal pieces.
- Serve one piece from each of the three sandwiches to each person. This approach gives each person fewer portions but larger portion sizes.

In all three methods, every person at the picnic will receive an equal share of the sandwiches. However, the portion sizes will differ depending on the number of cuts you make per sandwich.