cheryl, rita and four of their friends go to a movie and share equally a 48-ounce bag of popcorn and three 48-inch licorice laces. Find the fraction of popcorn each gets and the fraction of licorice each gets.text

Take 1/6 of 48 ounces and 1/6 of 3x48 inches of the licorice sticks. That would be half a licorice stick each.

I do not know the answer that why I am asking you.

three neighbor are sharing a rectangular strop of land for a garden. They divide the land into 24 equal pieces. They each get the same amount of land. write a ratio comparing the number of pieces land to the number of people, then show how to find the amount of land per neighbor using a proportion.

To find the fraction of popcorn and licorice each person gets, we need to divide the total amount by the number of people.

Step 1: Let's start with the popcorn.
Cheryl, Rita, and four friends make a total of 6 people.
The 48-ounce bag of popcorn is shared equally among the 6 people.
To find the fraction each person gets, we divide the total amount (48 ounces) by the number of people (6).

48 ounces ÷ 6 people = 8 ounces/person

Therefore, each person gets 8 ounces of popcorn. In fraction form, it would be 8/48, which simplifies to 1/6.

Step 2: Now let's move on to the licorice laces.
Again, Cheryl, Rita, and their four friends make a total of 6 people.
The three 48-inch licorice laces are shared equally among the 6 people.
To find the fraction each person gets, we divide the total length (48 inches) by the number of people (6).

48 inches ÷ 6 people = 8 inches/person

Therefore, each person gets 8 inches of licorice lace. In fraction form, it would be 8/48, which simplifies to 1/6.

Each person gets 1/6 (or one-sixth) of the popcorn and 1/6 (or one-sixth) of the licorice lace.