a roof rise 2.7 feet vertically and 8.2 feet horizonatally. what is the grade of the roof?

2.7/8.2, expreessed as a %

how do I do that?

Thanks, I got it.

To find the grade of the roof, which represents the slope or steepness of the roof, we need to calculate the rise over run ratio.

The rise is the vertical distance, which in this case is 2.7 feet.
The run is the horizontal distance, which in this case is 8.2 feet.

The formula to calculate the grade is:

Grade = rise / run

Let's substitute the values into the formula:

Grade = 2.7 / 8.2

Now we can divide:

Grade ≈ 0.3293

To express the grade as a percentage, we can multiply it by 100:

Grade ≈ 32.93%

Therefore, the grade of the roof is approximately 32.93%. This indicates that the roof rises at an angle of 32.93% from the horizontal plane.