1. You killed you.

2. You killed yourself.
(#2 is right. #1 is not right? Right?)

3. Take care of you.
4. Take care of yourself.
(What about #3 and #4? Which one is right in basic grammar?)

Numbers 2 and 4 are correct. The other two are not right.

In basic grammar, the correct option is "Take care of yourself" (#4). Let me explain why:

In English, the reflexive pronoun "yourself" is used when the subject and object of a sentence refer to the same person or thing. So, when you use the phrase "take care," it means you are speaking about someone taking care of themselves.

In sentence #3, "Take care of you," it is grammatically incorrect because "you" is a personal pronoun used as the subject of a sentence, not an object.

Remember, when using the phrase "take care," always use the reflexive pronoun "yourself" to indicate that the subject is taking care of themselves.