Flattery is as important a machine as the lever, isn't it? Give it a proper place to rest, and it can move the world."

What is your question?


The quote you mentioned, "Flattery is as important a machine as the lever, isn't it? Give it a proper place to rest, and it can move the world," highlights the power and influence of flattery. It suggests that flattery, when used effectively and in the right context, can have a significant impact, just like the lever - a simple machine that amplifies force.

However, it is important to note that this quote reflects one perspective on flattery, and it can be seen as both positive and negative depending on how it is used. Flattery can be a useful tool in certain situations, such as building rapport, motivating others, or gaining influence.

If you are interested in understanding the author's intent or the context of this quote, I would recommend researching its source or learning more about the person who said it. By doing so, you can gain a deeper understanding of the message and its significance.