Factor this expression completely

36y2 - 1

That is the difference of two squares, (6y)^2 and 1^2. Rewrite it as


To factor the expression 36y^2 - 1 completely, we can use the formula for the difference of squares. The difference of squares formula states that for any two numbers a and b, we have:

a^2 - b^2 = (a + b)(a - b)

In our expression, we have 36y^2 - 1. We can rewrite this as:

(6y)^2 - 1^2

Now, we can see that we have a^2 - b^2 format, where a = 6y and b = 1. Using the difference of squares formula, we can factor the expression as:

(6y + 1)(6y - 1)

So, the expression 36y^2 - 1 is factored completely as (6y + 1)(6y - 1).