wHAT IS THE MOOD AND THEME OF the storm by walter de la mare


Essentially, mood is the writer's attitude (emotion) toward his subject. The reader is intended to pick up on it.

A theme is like a hidden message the writer wants the reader to "get." What do you think he's trying to get across to you?

hello leah

i don't care

"The Storm" is a poem written by Walter de la Mare. To determine the mood and theme of the poem, let's analyze its content and structure.

First, let's explore the mood of the poem. To understand the poem's mood, pay attention to the language, imagery, and overall tone of the poem. Consider the emotions evoked as you read it. Here's a step-by-step approach to help you identify the poem's mood:

1. Read the poem multiple times: Read the poem carefully to immerse yourself in the language and imagery.
2. Examine the language used: Pay attention to the specific words and phrases the poet uses to describe the storm. Are they evoking a sense of fear, excitement, or something else?
3. Look for imagery: Consider the vivid descriptions, metaphors, or similes used to depict the storm. These details can contribute to the overall mood.
4. Analyze the tone: Identify the overall attitude or feeling conveyed by the speaker of the poem. Is it dark, ominous, or perhaps more awe-inspiring?

Once you have a sense of the poem's mood, you can move on to determine its theme.

The theme is the underlying message or main idea of the poem. Here are some steps to uncover the theme:

1. Identify recurring ideas or symbols: Look for patterns or recurring elements in the poem that could provide insight into its deeper meaning. Are there specific words, phrases, or images that occur repeatedly?
2. Consider the poet's intentions: Reflect on the poet's purpose for writing the poem. What might they be trying to convey? Are there any social or personal issues being addressed?
3. Connect with your own interpretation: A poem's theme may be subjective and open to interpretation. Consider what the poem means to you personally. How does it make you feel and what ideas or messages do you take away from it?

By engaging with the poem's content, language, imagery, tone, and your own personal interpretation, you can determine both the mood and theme of "The Storm" by Walter de la Mare.

Da mood isa happee an da teem isa nite time.