It takes the earth about 31,558,100 seconds to circle the sun. By how many seconds does this exceed the number of seconds in 365 days?

365 * 24 * 60 * 60 = number of seconds in 365 days

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It takes 31,556,926 seconds for the earth to pass from one equinox to the next.

It take 31,558,153 seconds for the earth to complete 360 degrees of revoltion around the sun with respect to the stars.

To determine the number of seconds that the Earth's orbit exceeds the number of seconds in 365 days, we can calculate the difference between these two values.

First, let's find the number of seconds in 365 days. There are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute. So, the total number of seconds in 365 days can be calculated as:

365 days * 24 hours/day * 60 minutes/hour * 60 seconds/minute = 31,536,000 seconds.

Now, we can subtract this value from the number of seconds it takes for the Earth to orbit the Sun:

31,558,100 seconds - 31,536,000 seconds = 22,100 seconds.

Therefore, the Earth's orbit exceeds the number of seconds in 365 days by 22,100 seconds.