11x^5/4x^2 multiplied by 12x^3/25x^8

how do i simplify this?

To simplify this expression, you can follow these steps:

1. Simplify the numerator: Multiply the coefficients (numbers in front) and add the exponents of the like bases (x). In this case, 11 multiplied by 12 is 132, and x^(5+3) is x^8.

2. Simplify the denominator: Multiply the coefficients and subtract the exponents of the like bases. Here, 4 multiplied by 25 is 100, and x^(2-8) is x^(-6).

3. Combine the numerator and denominator: Write the simplified numerator and denominator next to each other, separated by a slash (/). In this case, the simplified numerator is 132x^8, and the simplified denominator is 100x^(-6).

4. Simplify any negative exponents: If there are any negative exponents, you can rewrite them as positive exponents by moving them to the opposite location in the fraction. Here, x^(-6) in the denominator can be written as 1/x^6 in the numerator.

Putting it all together, the simplified expression is: (132x^8)/(100 x^6), which can be further simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by the common factor of 4:

33x^8 / 25x^6.