In A tale of Two Cities, when Mme Defarge learns Foulon is really alive, she:

a-goes to tell him she loves him.
b-leads a mob to him where she hangs him and then beheads him.
c-provides a safe hiding place for him.
d-turns him into the authorities.

I'd think that if you had read the book, you'd know. But this summary website should help.

The answer is B

To determine the correct answer, we can analyze the given options and recall relevant information from the book "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens.

In the novel, Mme Defarge is a character who becomes a prominent figure in the French Revolution and seeks revenge against the aristocracy. Foulon is a cruel and despised aristocrat responsible for the suffering of the French people.

Option a: It is not stated anywhere in the book that Mme Defarge goes to tell Foulon that she loves him. Therefore, this option is unlikely.

Option b: Mme Defarge's primary goal throughout the story is to punish the aristocrats. It is plausible that she leads a mob to find Foulon, capture him, and execute him. This choice aligns with her character and her intent on seeking justice for those who have caused harm to the people.

Option c: Providing a safe hiding place for Foulon contradicts Mme Defarge's purpose in the story. It goes against her burning desire for revenge and retribution. So, this option is improbable.

Option d: Mme Defarge's intentions do not involve turning Foulon into the authorities. Instead, she seeks personal and immediate justice for the suffering inflicted upon her and the French people. Therefore, option d is less likely as well.

Based on the analysis, the most plausible answer is b – Mme Defarge leads a mob to Foulon, where he is hanged and then beheaded, as a form of revenge for his actions as an aristocrat.