A population whose growth is influenced by births, deaths, immigration, and emmigration is described as which of the following?

A. Open
B. Closed
C. Geometric
D. Exponential

The definition of open population meets not with universal acceptance. However, sociologists have used that term to describe what you ask.

The other three answers are obviously wrong. Do you have a text?

Then is it A?

I do not have a text. These questions are from a science review sheet for my unit test on monday.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options and determine which one fits the description.

A. Open: An open population allows for the movement of individuals in and out of the population. This option includes the mention of immigration and emigration, which suggests that it could be the correct answer.

B. Closed: A closed population does not allow for the movement of individuals in and out. This option does not align with the description provided.

C. Geometric: A geometric population describes a growth pattern where each generation has a specific ratio or rate that relates to the previous generation. This option does not mention the factors influencing population growth, so it is unlikely to be the correct answer.

D. Exponential: An exponential population describes a growth pattern in which the population size increases at an ever-increasing rate. This option does not mention the factors influencing population growth, so it is also unlikely to be the correct answer.

Considering the description provided, the correct answer is A. Open, as it acknowledges the influence of births, deaths, immigration, and emigration on population growth.