Eight pennies are placed in a row on a tabletop. Every other coin is then replaced with a nickel. Every third coin is then replaced with a dime. finally, every fourth coin is replaced with a quarter. what is vaule of the eight coins noe on the table?

penny+penny+penny+nickel+dime+dime+quarter+ quarter=3+5+10+10+25+25=78 cents. I think Ms. Sue overlooked the part about every other coin being replaced by nickels.

Is that right????

p p p p p p p p

p p d p p d p p
p p d q p p d q

4 pennies + 2 dimes + 2 quarters = ?



penny+penny+penny+nickel+dime+dime+quarter+ quarter=3+5+10+10+25+25=78 cents. I think Ms. Sue overlooked the part about every other coin being replaced by nickels.

Thank you, Chuck. I did overlook that fact.

To determine the value of the eight coins on the table, we need to follow the given instructions step by step:

1. Start with eight pennies in a row on the table. Each penny is worth 1 cent, so the total value so far is 8 cents.

2. Replace every other coin with a nickel. Since we have eight coins, we need to replace four of them. Each nickel is worth 5 cents, so we add 4 * 5 = 20 cents to the total.

3. Replace every third coin with a dime. Out of the eight coins, only one coin will be replaced with a dime. Each dime is worth 10 cents, so we add 10 cents to the total.

4. Finally, replace every fourth coin with a quarter. Out of the eight coins, two coins will be replaced with quarters. Each quarter is worth 25 cents, so we add 2 * 25 = 50 cents to the total.

Now, let's calculate the final value:

Starting value: 8 cents
Added value from nickels: 20 cents
Added value from dimes: 10 cents
Added value from quarters: 50 cents

Adding these values together, we get 8 + 20 + 10 + 50 = 88 cents.

Therefore, the value of the eight coins now on the table is 88 cents.