Denise buys a shirt on sale for $21.08. this represents a 15% decrease in price. what was the original price of the shirt

To find the original price of the shirt, we can use the following equation:

Original price - (Original price * 15%) = Sale price

Let's solve for the original price.

Step 1: Write the equation
Original price - (Original price * 0.15) = $21.08

Step 2: Simplify the equation
Original price - 0.15 * Original price = $21.08

Step 3: Combine like terms
0.85 * Original price = $21.08

Step 4: Solve for Original price
Divide both sides of the equation by 0.85:
Original price = $21.08 / 0.85

Now, let's calculate the original price of the shirt:

Original price = $21.08 / 0.85 = $24.80

Therefore, the original price of the shirt was $24.80.

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0.85x is equal to 21.08.Then you divide 0.85 on both side to find your x.