1 ) name one economic reason why the British colony wanted confederation ?

2) name 2 military reasons why the British colony wanted confederation ?

To which British colony do you refer?

To answer your questions, I will explain how to derive the answers:

1) Economic reason for British colony wanting confederation:
To identify an economic reason for the British colony's desire for confederation, we need to consider the economic conditions and goals of the time. We can start by researching the economic challenges or opportunities the colonies faced before confederation. Once we have this information, we can identify a specific economic reason for confederation.

For example, we can find information about the colonies' economic difficulties or barriers due to their fragmented nature, such as trade restrictions or tariffs imposed on internal trade between colonies. We might also discover that the colonies individually lacked resources or infrastructure for major economic development. With this research, we can determine a specific economic reason for the colony's interest in confederation, such as improved access to markets or shared costs for infrastructure projects.

2) Military reasons for British colony wanting confederation:
To identify military reasons for the British colony's desire for confederation, we can again start by researching the military challenges or opportunities the colonies faced. This may include issues like defense concerns, conflicts with neighboring territories, or vulnerabilities due to divided military forces.

By examining historical sources, we can identify specific instances where military challenges or strategic advantages existed. For example, we might discover that the colonies individually struggled to defend their borders or coordinate their defense forces effectively. Through this research, we can then identify two military reasons for the colony's interest in confederation, such as the consolidation of military resources and enhanced ability to deter external threats.

In both cases, it's important to research the historical context and available resources to derive accurate and specific answers regarding the economic and military reasons behind the British colony's desire for confederation.