how do you say

sell food and hang clothes on a line in spanish

vender alimentos y tender la ropa en una línea de

how do you say

can't see outside
and drying clothes

no puede ver el exterior

y secar la ropa


no hay problema

Sell = looks like a command, rather than the infinitive = to sell. You need to decide if you want a tú (familiar) or usted (formal) command.

Vende (familiar) and Venda (formal)
hand could be cuelga (familiar) or cuelgue (formal)

outside (rather than inside) might be "afuera"


To say "sell food and hang clothes on a line" in Spanish, you can say:

"Vender comida y colgar ropa en una cuerda."

To break it down:
1. "Sell" translates to "vender" in Spanish.
2. "Food" translates to "comida" in Spanish.
3. "And" translates to "y" in Spanish.
4. "Hang" (referring to hanging clothes) translates to "colgar" in Spanish.
5. "Clothes" translates to "ropa" in Spanish.
6. "On a line" can be translated as "en una cuerda" in Spanish.

Keep in mind that the translation may differ depending on the context.