Can you please check these last two for me. Thank You and have a great evening.

The tension that Irene has towards Bellew shows that she does not appreciate the fact that he is an racist individual, who does not take other people's feelings into perspective when he talks.

When all is said and done, Larsen's theme goes to prove that it does not matter how people interact with each other openly, but it is how people feel in their minds that matters most.

I am uncertain what you need done

Sorry can you please check the grammar.

Certainly! Let's break down the analysis of these two statements:

1. The tension that Irene has towards Bellew shows that she does not appreciate the fact that he is a racist individual, who does not take other people's feelings into perspective when he talks.

To analyze this statement, we need to look for evidence in the text that supports the idea of tension between Irene and Bellew, as well as evidence that Bellew is a racist individual who lacks empathy. One way to approach this is by examining the dialogue and interactions between the two characters. Look for instances where Irene reacts strongly to something Bellew says, or where she expresses her displeasure or discomfort with his behavior or comments. Additionally, look for specific examples in the text that indicate Bellew's racist attitudes and his disregard for others' feelings.

Once you have identified the relevant scenes or quotes, consider how they demonstrate tension and highlight Bellew's racism and lack of empathy. This will be the basis for supporting the given statement. Make sure to provide specific references from the text to back up your analysis.

2. When all is said and done, Larsen's theme goes to prove that it does not matter how people interact with each other openly, but it is how people feel in their minds that matters most.

To analyze this statement, you should first identify the central theme of the story or work by Larsen. The theme often emerges from recurring motifs, character development, and the overall message conveyed. It's essential to look at the text as a whole and consider how the characters and events contribute to the theme.

Once you have identified the theme, think about how it relates to the idea that it is not the outward interactions between people that matter most, but rather their internal thoughts and feelings. Look for instances in the text where characters' inner thoughts and emotions are emphasized and shown to have a significant impact on their actions and relationships.

To support the given statement, draw upon specific examples from the text that highlight how Larsen explores the importance of internal feelings and emotions over outward appearances or interactions. These examples could include character introspection, inner conflicts, or situations where characters' thoughts directly shape their behavior.

Remember to provide textual evidence to back up your analysis and explain how each example supports the statement that Larsen's theme prioritizes individuals' internal feelings over external interactions.

By following these steps, you can analyze the provided statements and come up with well-supported interpretations based on evidence from the text.