Is 3x-4=12 a linear equation? i know that 3x=16 but would that be considered linear? it would just be a vertical line correct?

it is a linear equation because there is only one exponent.

Yes, the equation 3x-4=12 is a linear equation.

A linear equation is an equation where the highest exponent of the variable is 1. In this case, the variable x has an exponent of 1, so it is indeed linear.

To solve the equation, your statement that 3x = 16 is incorrect. Let's go through the steps to solve it correctly:

1. Start with the equation 3x - 4 = 12.
2. Add 4 to both sides to isolate the term with x: 3x = 16.
3. Divide both sides by 3 to solve for x: x = 16/3.

So the correct solution to the equation is x = 16/3.

As for your second question, a linear equation with a single variable creates a straight line when graphed on a coordinate plane. However, in this case, the equation is not just 3x, which would create a straight vertical line. The presence of the constant term -4 and the right side of the equation being 12 shifts the line and gives it a slight tilt.