Eng./writing/language - jermaine, Friday, September 7, 2007 at 8:47pm

i need some help with writing a 2 page paper on the body social by john of salisbury. the question is what type of society is been discribe. can you email me an let me and let me know. email;


From everything I can see here, he lived in and described medieval society in England. Was it corrupt? Did it work well for most of the people? Did it work well for only the upper levels of the society? You'd need to read the work to know what he was thinking.

John of Salisbury: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_of_Salisbury

Middle Ages (aka Medieval times): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_ages

from http://www.salon.com/books/feature/1997/10/cov_31money.html

In John of Salisbury's 12th century "The Body Social," John rehearses the well-known conceit in which various members of society are compared to the parts of the human body. The prince is the head, the Senate the heart, judges the eyes. And those who are in charge of business? "Financial officers and keepers ... may be compared with the stomach and the intestines."

You would have to read the work to be able to write the paper well; it's apparently available in an anthology called The Portable Medieval Reader.


The problem is that the instructor makes it seem as if all that we need to know with regards to describing the society can come from "The Body Social" alone.

So, I guess a reasonable question thereafter might be: what types of society were/are there? This is the first time that I've heard such a question posed.


If you read this one

(which is 7th in the Google results above), you'll see part of an essay written that uses "The Body Social" to describe the situation in Leningrad in 1941. So yes, John of Salisbury's work can be used to help describe just about any society you care to apply it to -- with different results for each society.

If the question is asking which society HE is describing, however, he can only be describing the one in which he lived. Then you'd need to research English society in Salisbury in the time when the author was an adult (when he wrote this).


I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to send emails. However, I can definitely help you with writing your paper on "The Body Social" by John of Salisbury.

To determine the type of society that is being described in "The Body Social," you will need to closely analyze the text and identify the key characteristics presented by John of Salisbury. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you write your paper:

1. Read and understand the text: Start by carefully reading "The Body Social" and taking notes on the main ideas, arguments, and descriptions presented by John of Salisbury. Pay attention to details that give insights into the type of society being portrayed.

2. Identify the central theme: Determine the main message or idea that the author is conveying through his writing. This will guide you in identifying the type of society being described.

3. Analyze the characteristics: Look for clues in the text that reveal the nature of the society being portrayed. Consider aspects such as social hierarchies, governance systems, economic structures, and cultural values. Make note of any recurring themes or ideas that shed light on the type of society.

4. Gather evidence: Collect specific quotes or references from the text that support your understanding of the type of society being described. The evidence will strengthen your arguments and make your paper more persuasive.

5. Formulate your thesis statement: Based on your analysis of the text and the evidence gathered, construct a clear and concise thesis statement that states the type of society being described in "The Body Social." This statement should serve as the focal point of your paper and guide your subsequent arguments.

6. Develop your arguments: Organize your paper by developing multiple arguments that support your thesis statement. Each argument should be supported by evidence from the text and provide a well-reasoned explanation of how it contributes to defining the societal type.

7. Provide examples: To illustrate your arguments effectively, provide specific examples or instances from the text that showcase the characteristics of the society being described. This will help the reader understand and visualize the concepts being discussed.

8. Draw conclusions: Conclude your paper by summarizing your main arguments and drawing conclusions about the type of society that John of Salisbury portrays in "The Body Social." Reflect on the implications of this societal type and any broader implications it may have.

9. Revise and edit: Don't forget to proofread your paper for grammar, punctuation, and clarity. Make sure your paper flows logically and coherently, and ensure that your thesis statement is well-supported by the arguments you have presented.

Remember, this is a general guide to help you write your paper. Be sure to follow any specific instructions or guidelines given by your instructor. Good luck with your writing!