what is a asituation that is currently in the news that would make a good topic for a cause and effect essay?

i need to find osme information that lists the possible causes of that situation.

(the category can be a health issue, national or international news, entertainment, or sports)


What about the decline in AIDS Cases worldwide?

Google on AIDS declining

yea..but i don't find the causes of it.

can you give me some links or information that will tell me the causes of AIDS declining?

in the meantime i'll keep searching google



how come I don't see the causes on this link.. I already searched it up

Goodness. It has "causes" on nearly every link. That is why I suggested the topic, the causes are many, and many of them are being debated.

Please read several sites carefully. Think about what is causing the decline in AIDS cases.

One situation that is currently in the news and can serve as a good topic for a cause and effect essay is the COVID-19 pandemic. This health issue has had widespread impacts globally, making it an apt choice for discussing causes and effects.

To find information on the possible causes of the COVID-19 pandemic, you can consider the following steps:

1. Start with reputable news sources: Visit well-known news outlets such as BBC, CNN, The New York Times, or The Guardian. These outlets often provide in-depth coverage of global issues like the pandemic and can offer a comprehensive list of causes.

2. Explore official health organization websites: Websites like the World Health Organization (WHO) or the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provide valuable information on the causes and origins of diseases like COVID-19. They offer expert analyses and research findings that can be used as reliable sources.

3. Read scientific research papers: Online databases like PubMed or Google Scholar contain numerous research papers related to the COVID-19 pandemic. These papers often dissect causes, modes of transmission, and other relevant details. Check for keywords like "COVID-19 causes" or "SARS-CoV-2 origins" to find relevant research papers.

4. Refer to academic sources: Look for credible academic sources such as books, articles, or journals that discuss the topic. University libraries or online databases like JSTOR or ScienceDirect can help you find such sources.

5. Consider expert opinions and interviews: Listen to talks, interviews, or podcasts featuring experts in epidemiology or infectious diseases. These professionals often provide insights into the causes and effects of the COVID-19 pandemic based on their research, experience, and analysis.

Remember, it is crucial to critically evaluate your sources to ensure their credibility and reliability. By following these steps, you should be able to gather a substantial amount of information on the causes of the COVID-19 pandemic, which will assist you in writing your cause and effect essay.