I answered several question for an assignment and I need help to understand how I got it wrong. The assignment dwelt medical terms. The following three were marked wrong. Please help!

Use the word bank below to build the medical word that corresponds to each definition in problems.

12.Resembling three points - Answer "Tricuspid"

13.Pertaining to the heart and lung cavity - Answer "Cardiopulmonary"

Break the medical word into its word parts. Using the word parts, create a definition of the word. Write a sentence using the word in a medical context.
My/o- Cardi/o- -al

Define: Pertaining to the muscle that makes up the bulk of the heart.
Sentence: A myocardial infarction is when the flow of oxygenated blood is blocked by a blood clot.


For the first question, the term you answered was "Tricuspid," which means "resembling three points." To understand why it was marked wrong, we need to break down the word and analyze its components.

"Tri-" means "three," and "cuspid" means "pointed." So, "tricuspid" refers to something that has three points. However, the actual definition of "tricuspid" in medical terminology is related to the heart valve between the right atrium and right ventricle, rather than resembling three points. Therefore, the correct answer might have been a word like "triangular" or "trifid" to match the given definition.

For the second question, you answered "Cardiopulmonary," which means "pertaining to the heart and lung cavity." Similarly, let's break down the word parts to understand where the error could have occurred.

"Cardio-" refers to the heart, and "pulmonary" refers to the lungs. So "cardiopulmonary" indeed means "pertaining to the heart and lungs." However, in this case, "cavity" is a crucial component in the definition. The term "cardiopulmonary" alone does not explicitly imply a connection to a cavity. The correct answer would have been "cardiocavopulmonary" or "cardiopulmonarycavitory" since "-cav" means "cavity."

Finally, for the third question, you provided the term "Myocardial," which is correct. Let's break it down to understand its components.

"Myo-" refers to muscle, and "cardio-" represents the heart. "-Al" is a suffix that means "pertaining to." Therefore, "Myocardial" means "pertaining to the muscle that makes up the bulk of the heart."

Your provided definition, "pertaining to the muscle that makes up the bulk of the heart," accurately reflects the meaning of "Myocardial." Additionally, your sentence, "A myocardial infarction is when the flow of oxygenated blood is blocked by a blood clot," uses the term correctly in a medical context.

In summary, it seems there was a misunderstanding of the specific meanings of the terms "tricuspid" and "cardiopulmonary." However, your understanding of "myocardial" was correct. Keep in mind that breaking down medical terms into their word parts can often provide clues about their meanings.