4. Which of the following species is extinct?

1 American bald eagle

2 bison (buffalo)

3 passenger pigeon

4 giant panda

To determine which of the following species is extinct, you can either rely on your existing knowledge or conduct a quick search to find the answer.

If you are not sure about the status of these species, you can search for each species individually to see if it is still alive or if it has gone extinct. A reliable source for this type of information is the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.

Let's break down the species mentioned in the options:

1. American bald eagle: The American bald eagle is not extinct and is actually considered a symbol of the United States. It was once endangered but has made a remarkable recovery and is no longer in danger of extinction.

2. Bison (buffalo): The bison, also known as the American buffalo, is not extinct. While it faced severe population declines in the past, conservation efforts have led to successful recovery, and they are now considered a species of least concern.

3. Passenger pigeon: The passenger pigeon is indeed extinct. These birds were once abundantly found in North America, but excessive hunting and habitat loss led to their extinction. The last known passenger pigeon, named Martha, died in 1914.

4. Giant panda: The giant panda is not extinct and is currently listed as a vulnerable species. However, due to conservation efforts, their population has been slowly increasing in recent years.

In conclusion, of the species mentioned, the only one that is extinct is the passenger pigeon.