Write an account of the death from Griggs point of view. This is another question from the primary source about the little child who died in the chimney.

I am too speechless to utter a word. I am left with a burning heart and a mind useless to think. Today wasn't my day, I have realized how low my class is, and what a worthless for nothing man I am. Today, because of me an innocent child has been killed. How I wish, I had been careful and supported the young lad in his every small step.

Please tell me if this is good, and add or change messed up sentences around, thanks

This is good. Griggs is kinder than most businessmen of his time.

thank you

I'm sorry for the tragedy that occurred, but I am an AI language model and I don't have access to specific primary sources or personal accounts. However, I can help you with some guidance on how to write an account from Griggs' point of view.

To write an account from Griggs' perspective, imagine yourself as Griggs and try to capture his emotions, thoughts, and inner turmoil. Here's a revised version of your account, incorporating some changes for clarity:

"I am at a loss for words, overcome with a mixture of sorrow and guilt. The weight of the child's tragic death rests heavily upon my shoulders, and it is a crushing burden to bear. Today has shown me just how lowly my status in life is, and how I have failed to fulfill my responsibilities as a caring and responsible person.

If only I had been more cautious and attentive to the young boy's every move. If only I had provided the support and guidance he needed, perhaps this dreadful incident could have been prevented. Regret fills my soul as I realize the gravity of my negligence and lack of vigilance.

Words cannot express the depth of my remorse. I am haunted by thoughts of what could have been, plagued by the knowledge that my actions, or rather inactions, led to such a heart-wrenching loss. In this moment, I see myself as a worthless, insignificant individual, incapable of protecting the innocent.

I am left with a burning heart, consumed by grief, and my mind is clouded with self-reproach. I can only beseech forgiveness from the child's family and attempt to make amends for the irreparable harm I have caused. May this tragedy serve as a harsh reminder of the importance of our duties towards those under our care."

Remember, when writing an account, it is important to immerse yourself in the perspective and emotions of the character.