I need help with this.

“What is Hamlet ‘about’?” and “What are its enduring themes and messages?”. The responses you provide do not have to be governed by the Values and Worldviews (Dialectic) approach. Substantiate your own ideas with evidence from the play.
Thanks! :)

These notes will help you formulate your answers.


To determine what Shakespeare's play Hamlet is "about" and to identify its enduring themes and messages, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the play: Start by reading the entire play or refreshing your memory of its plot. Pay close attention to the character interactions and the events that occur.

2. Analyze the plot: Hamlet revolves around the titular character, Prince Hamlet of Denmark, who seeks to avenge his father's murder. The play explores themes of revenge, loyalty, power, madness, and mortality. Take note of the conflicts, motivations, and consequences that arise from the plot.

3. Examine the characters: Conduct a thorough analysis of the major and minor characters in the play. Consider their actions, motivations, and relationships. Some key characters in Hamlet include Hamlet himself, Claudius, Gertrude, Polonius, Ophelia, and Laertes. Assess how their individual arcs contribute to the overall themes and messages of the play.

4. Explore the language and symbolism: Shakespeare's plays are renowned for their rich language and use of symbolism. Look for recurring motifs and symbols throughout Hamlet, such as the imagery of corruption, the motif of appearance vs. reality, and the frequent references to death and decay. Analyzing these elements can provide insights into the play's deeper meanings.

5. Consider critical interpretations: Read scholarly interpretations and analyses of Hamlet to gain further insight into its themes and messages. Critics have offered various perspectives on the play, ranging from inquiries into Hamlet's psychological state to explorations of its political and ethical implications.

6. Formulate your own ideas: Based on your analysis of the play, develop your own interpretation of what Hamlet is "about" and identify its enduring themes and messages. Support your ideas with evidence from the play, including specific lines, scenes, or interactions that support your interpretation.

By following these steps, you can develop a well-grounded understanding of what Hamlet is "about" and identify the enduring themes and messages that resonate throughout the play. Remember that interpretations may vary, so it is important to support your ideas with evidence from the text.