Would (D) be the best answer for this question?

Listening activities should be:

A. on the floor,in a corner of the room.

B. in a large area for children to have
space and feel comfortable.

C. required of all students

D. in a small area with the least
number of distractions.

a. Why would one want to teach listening on the floor? b. Ever try to listen carefully in a large room? Lots of distraactions. A and B are out. C: would you require deaf students to have listening activities?

Yes, I agree. People in a small area can listen better than if there are a lot of distractions.

Shannon: What is the title of the course you are taking, and for whom is it intended. Curiosity is getting the better of me.

My response isn't very clear. In a small area, there are few distractions so it's easier to listen attentively there.

Just in case you haven't done this, here is a google search on your subject:

(Broken Link Removed)

To determine the best answer for this question, you need to analyze the choices provided and consider the question prompt. Let's break down each option:

A. Listening activities should be on the floor, in a corner of the room.
This option suggests that listening activities should be conducted in a specific location within the room. However, there is no indication in the question prompt about the preferred location.

B. Listening activities should be in a large area for children to have space and feel comfortable.
This option suggests that listening activities should be conducted in a spacious area where children can feel comfortable. It emphasizes creating an environment that promotes ease and relaxation during listening activities.

C. Listening activities should be required of all students.
This option suggests that listening activities should be mandatory for all students. However, the question prompt seems to be asking about the optimal physical environment for these activities rather than their mandatory nature.

D. Listening activities should be in a small area with the least number of distractions.
This option suggests that listening activities should take place in a confined area with minimal distractions. It emphasizes creating a focused and concentrated environment for effective listening.

Based on the information provided in the question prompt, option D seems to be the best answer. It aligns with the idea of minimizing distractions to promote attentive listening. However, it's essential to note that without additional context or specific instructions, it is challenging to definitively determine the best answer.