Okay, I want to find the derivative of (x^x)^(x^x)...

Well, I already went through the process of finding the derivative of just x^x (I used ln to do this).
This is what I found...
dy/dx = x^x(lnx+1)

So now I want to find the derivative of (x^x)^(x^x) (using ln).
This is what I did...

y = (x^x)^(x^x)
lny = x^xlnx^x
(1/y)(dy/dx) = (d/dx)(x^x)ln(x^x) + (d/dx)ln(x)^x*(x^x)

Yeah, I don't know if it is right.
Also, how do I find the derivative of ln(x)^x?
It seems simple enough, but I don't know...

let u=xx

ln(u) = x ln(x)
(1/u)du/dx = ln(x) + 1
du/dx = u (ln(x) + 1)
du/dx = xx(ln(x) + 1)

So this confirms what you've got for

To find (x^x)^(x^x), it is not as complicated as it looks once we've got the derivative of xx.

I would start with
u=xx and
du/dx = xx(ln(x) + 1)

u=xx, then
ln(y)=u ln(u)

=uu(ln(u)+1) . xx(ln(x) + 1)
The rest is algebra to eliminate u from the right hand side to get
x^x^x^x(xx+1 ln(x)(ln(x)+1)+xx(ln(x)+1))
or in any other equivalent form that you wish.

To find the derivative of (x^x)^(x^x), you've made a good start by taking the natural logarithm (ln) of both sides. However, there is a mistake in your calculations.

Starting from where you left off, which is:

lny = x^xln(x^x) + ln(x)^x*(x^x)

Let's simplify this expression step by step. Breaking down each term:

lny = x^x[ln(x^x)] + ln(x)^x*(x^x)

Now, let's handle each term separately:

1. x^x[ln(x^x)]: Use the property of logarithms that states ln(a^b) = b * ln(a)
= x^x * [x * ln(x)]

2. ln(x)^x * (x^x): Notice that ln(x)^x = (ln(x))^x, not ln(x^x)
So we have to rewrite the term as:
= (ln(x))^x * (x^x)

Putting it all together, we have:

lny = x^x * [x * ln(x)] + (ln(x))^x * (x^x)

Now, to find dy/dx, we need to take the derivative of both sides with respect to x and use the chain rule when necessary.

Using the product rule on the first term: x^x * [x * ln(x)], we get:

(d/dx)[x^x * [x * ln(x)]] = (d/dx)[x^x] * [x * ln(x)] + x^x * (d/dx)[x * ln(x)]

To simplify this, we need to determine the derivative of x^x, which is not as straightforward as other functions. One way to find this is by using logarithmic differentiation.

Let's take the natural logarithm of y and apply the power rule for derivatives:

ln(y) = ln[x^x * [x * ln(x)]] = ln(x^x) + ln[x * ln(x)]

Now we can differentiate implicitly. Remember, d/dx[ln(u(x))] = u'(x)/u(x).

(d/dx)[ln(y)] = (d/dx)[ln(x^x)] + (d/dx)[ln(x * ln(x))]

1/y * (dy/dx) = (x * ln(x))'/x^x + (ln(x * ln(x)))'/x^x

Notice that (x * ln(x))' can be found using the product rule, and (ln(x * ln(x)))' can be found using the chain rule.

(d/dx)[x * ln(x)] = x * (d/dx)[ln(x)] + ln(x) * (d/dx)[x]

Using the chain rule, (d/dx)[ln(x)] = 1/x.

(d/dx)[x * ln(x)] = x * 1/x + ln(x) * 1

(d/dx)[x * ln(x)] = 1 + ln(x)

Substituting this back into the equation:

1/y * (dy/dx) = (1 + ln(x))/x^x + (ln(x * ln(x)))'/x^x

Now, let's handle the derivative of (ln(x * ln(x)))' using the chain rule:

(d/dx)[ln(x * ln(x))] = 1/(x * ln(x)) * (d/dx)[x * ln(x)]

(d/dx)[ln(x * ln(x))] = 1/(x * ln(x)) * (1 + ln(x))

Substituting this back into the equation:

1/y * (dy/dx) = (1 + ln(x))/x^x + (1 + ln(x))/(x * ln(x) * x^x)

Combine like terms:

1/y * (dy/dx) = [1 + ln(x) + 1 + ln(x)]/(x^x * x * ln(x))


1/y * (dy/dx) = (2 + 2ln(x))/(x^(x + 1) * ln(x))

Since 1/y = 1/(x^x)^(x^x), we can further simplify:

(dy/dx) = (x^x)^(x^x) * (2 + 2ln(x))/(x^(x + 1) * ln(x))

So, the derivative of (x^x)^(x^x) is given by:

(dy/dx) = (x^x)^(x^x) * (2 + 2ln(x))/(x^(x + 1) * ln(x)).

Now, to address the second part of your question, finding the derivative of ln(x)^x. Let's go through it step by step:

Start with y = ln(x)^x

Take the natural logarithm of both sides to simplify:

ln(y) = ln(ln(x)^x)

Using the property that ln(a^b) = b * ln(a):

= x * ln(ln(x))

Now we can find dy/dx by differentiating both sides:

(d/dx)(ln(y)) = (d/dx)[x * ln(ln(x))]

Using the chain rule:

1/y * (dy/dx) = ln(ln(x)) + x * (d/dx)[ln(ln(x))]

To find (d/dx)[ln(ln(x))], we again use the chain rule:

(d/dx)[ln(ln(x))] = 1/(ln(x)) * (d/dx)[ln(x)]

= 1/(ln(x)) * (1/x)

= 1/(x * ln(x))

Substituting this back into the equation:

1/y * (dy/dx) = ln(ln(x)) + x * 1/(x * ln(x))

= ln(ln(x)) + 1/ln(x)

Since 1/y = 1/(ln(x))^x, we can further simplify:

(dy/dx) = (ln(x))^x * (ln(ln(x)) + 1/ln(x))

So, the derivative of ln(x)^x is given by:

(dy/dx) = (ln(x))^x * (ln(ln(x)) + 1/ln(x)).

I hope this explanation helps you understand the process of finding the derivatives of (x^x)^(x^x) and ln(x)^x. Let me know if you have any further questions!