Could someone see if I got any of the questions wrong. I feel that some questions have multiple answers but there is only one that is correct. Please help. thanks a lot

Cognitive Development
Respond to the following statements using Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development

1. A child has a tea party with his dolls, pretending each doll is alive and engaging in conversation.

2. An infant’s mother takes away her toy and the baby, thinking the toy has disappeared, begins to cry.
Sensor motor

3. When asked to write an essay entitled, “How I Became Me: Influences that Created my Identity,” teenage student opens by stating, “I don’t know who I am yet; check back in a few years…”

4. During a birthday party for her younger brother Billy Bob, Jennifer tries to open the presents. When told that it was Billy Bob’s birthday and not hers, Jennifer stamps her feet and cries, “But it’s not fair!”

5. A student completes a Compare & Contrast poster by gluing facts and other information to poster board.

6. Instead of speaking, a crawling baby asks for his bottle by pointing at it.
Sensor motor

State whether each scenario is an example of assimilation or accommodation.

7. A child has always used a fork to eat his food. Today the child is learning how to use chopsticks to eat.

8. Running late for his hockey game, Moe has to borrow a teammate’s stick in order to play.

9. A child knows how to button his new jacket because he knew how to button his shirt.

10. A girl learns how to walk in high heels instead of flats.

11. After getting a “big-boy” bed, Herman has to be cautious not to roll off because it does not have guardrails like his old bed.

Moral Development
Answer the following scenarios/Statements using your knowledge of Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral

12. Stealing is bad, and people who steal should be punished.

13. As the most important thing in society is family, it would be foolish for a man to let his wife die for fear of being put in jail.

14. One should not steal, under any circumstances, as it is illegal to do so.

15. An older child helps his elderly neighbor with yard work because his mother promised to let him stay uplater to play video games if he did.

16. A young student completes all of his homework and keeps his desk tidy because that way the teacher will like him more.

17. A child does not go in her mother’s make-up drawer any more because every time she did, her mother would smack the girl’s hand.

I agree with you on #s 1-6.

I'm not sure about #s 7-17, but one of these websites may help you clarify anything.

thanks Writeacher for ur help

You're welcome. =)

Since this is not my particular area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "piaget stages of development" to get these possible sources:

I searched Google under the key words "piaget assimilation accommodation" to get these possible sources:

In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search. Also see

I hope this helps.

Here are the correct answers for each question and an explanation for how to arrive at those answers:

1. Correct answer: Preoperational.
Explanation: Piaget's Preoperational stage occurs between the ages of 2 and 7. During this stage, children engage in imaginative play and pretend scenarios, such as having a tea party with dolls.

2. Correct answer: Sensorimotor.
Explanation: Piaget's Sensorimotor stage occurs from birth to 2 years old. During this stage, infants learn about the world through their senses and motor actions. In this scenario, the baby cries because they have not yet developed object permanence, the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight.

3. Correct answer: Formal.
Explanation: The formal operational stage is the final stage in Piaget's cognitive development theory and occurs during adolescence and adulthood. In this stage, individuals can think abstractly and have more advanced reasoning skills. The teenage student in this scenario acknowledges their lack of self-identity and suggests that it may change in the future.

4. Correct answer: Preoperational.
Explanation: In the Preoperational stage, children between the ages of 2 and 7 have egocentric thinking and struggle with understanding others' perspectives. Jennifer's reaction of stamping her feet and crying because she wants to open the presents shows a lack of understanding of fairness and others' needs.

5. Correct answer: Formal.
Explanation: Completing a Compare & Contrast poster by gluing facts and information indicates the use of more advanced thinking and reasoning skills, which aligns with the Formal operational stage.

6. Correct answer: Sensorimotor.
Explanation: Babies in the Sensorimotor stage, from birth to 2 years old, communicate using non-verbal gestures and actions. The crawling baby pointing at the bottle to ask for it demonstrates sensory-motor coordination.

7. Correct answer: Accommodation.
Explanation: Accommodation is when individuals modify their existing schemas to incorporate new information or experiences. In this scenario, the child learning how to use chopsticks is modifying their existing schema of eating utensils.

8. Correct answer: Assimilation.
Explanation: Assimilation is when individuals fit new information or experiences into their existing schemas. In this scenario, Moe, who is already familiar with playing hockey, assimilates the borrowed stick into his existing knowledge of how to play.

9. Correct answer: Assimilation.
Explanation: Assimilation occurs when individuals fit new information or experiences into their existing schemas. In this scenario, the child applies their existing knowledge of buttoning shirts to buttoning a jacket.

10. Correct answer: Accommodation.
Explanation: Accommodation is when individuals modify their existing schemas to incorporate new information or experiences. In this scenario, the girl learning how to walk in high heels instead of flats is modifying her existing schema of walking.

11. Correct answer: Accommodation.
Explanation: Accommodation occurs when individuals modify their existing schemas to incorporate new information or experiences. In this scenario, Herman needs to adjust his behavior and be cautious not to roll off the bed without guardrails, which is different from his previous experience with his old bed.

12. Correct answer: Conventional.
Explanation: Kohlberg's Conventional stage of moral development involves individuals abiding by societal norms and laws. The statement reflects conformity to societal rules regarding stealing and punishment.

13. Correct answer: Conventional.
Explanation: This statement also aligns with the Conventional stage of moral development as it emphasizes the importance of family and the avoidance of potential punishment.

14. Correct answer: Conventional.
Explanation: Again, this statement reflects conformity to societal rules and laws, indicating the Conventional stage of moral development.

15. Correct answer: Pre-Conventional.
Explanation: The child's motivation for helping the elderly neighbor is driven by personal gain (being allowed to stay up later to play video games). This reflects the Pre-Conventional stage, where individuals make decisions based on self-interest and immediate consequences.

16. Correct answer: Conventional.
Explanation: The student's motivation for completing homework and keeping a tidy desk is to gain approval from the teacher, indicating adherence to societal norms and the Conventional stage of moral development.

17. Correct answer: Pre-Conventional.
Explanation: The child avoids going into her mother's makeup drawer to avoid physical punishment, demonstrating a focus on avoiding punishment rather than understanding the moral implications of the action. This aligns with the Pre-Conventional stage of moral development.