For homework i was asked to write a personal response to one of the poems that we did in class ("the great hunger' section 1 by Patrick Kavanagh)

I really don't know how to start,
I read that "personal response" is what i think about the poem but what kind of fancy sentences could i use?
pls help :)

There are some good ideas in these websites. First of all, be sure you re-read the poem you'll be writing about. Second, make sure you can summarize very briefly what is going on in the poem. Third, choose lines in the poem that really appeal to you ("speak" to you!), and then write only about them and how you react to those lines.

You don't want to write a complete explication of the poem -- that goes too far into meter, rhyme, and other technical aspects of the poem. But you do want to include what the poem's about (very briefly) and then address the sections (lines) that particularly appeal to YOU and explain why.

Ignore fancy sentences! Write what you feel when you read the poems. Did you smile? sigh? frown? What experiences do they make you relive/remember? What questions flashed through your mind?

After you have done some writing, please repost and we will be happy to make comments or suggestions.

Sure, I'd be happy to help you get started on your personal response to the poem "The Great Hunger" by Patrick Kavanagh. Writing a personal response allows you to express your own thoughts and feelings about the poem. Here are some steps to help you begin:

1. Read and Understand the Poem: Before writing your response, make sure you have a good understanding of the poem. Read it multiple times to grasp its themes, imagery, and overall message. Take note of any specific lines or verses that resonate with you.

2. Reflect on Your Experience: Personal responses are all about your unique perspective and interpretation. Think about how the poem made you feel, the emotions it evoked, and any personal connections you made to the themes or subject matter. Consider your own experiences, beliefs, or values that may relate to the poem.

3. Consider Structure and Language: When writing your response, remember that it doesn't have to be overly complex or filled with fancy sentences. Instead, focus on expressing your thoughts and emotions genuinely. Use clear and concise language to articulate your ideas. You can employ literary devices, such as metaphors or similes, if they enhance your response.

4. Start with an Introduction: Begin your personal response with a brief introduction that includes the title and author of the poem, along with a general statement about your initial impressions or feelings. This will set the tone for your response.

5. Express Your Thoughts: In the body paragraphs, delve deeper into the poem, sharing your interpretation, reactions, and personal connections. You can discuss specific lines or images that impacted you, exploring their meaning and significance. Feel free to quote or paraphrase the poem to support your ideas.

6. Provide Examples: To strengthen your response, provide examples or evidence from the poem to illustrate your points. Analyze these examples in relation to the themes, emotions, or messages you are discussing.

7. Conclude with a Summary: Conclude your response by summarizing your main ideas and reflecting on the overall impact the poem had on you. You can also mention any unanswered questions or lingering thoughts you have.

Remember, the most important aspect of a personal response is authenticity. Be honest and genuine in expressing your own thoughts and emotions about the poem. Good luck with your assignment!