Sentence Consistency and Parallelism (errors in consistency, such as shifts in verb tense or a lack of parallel structure in equivalent sentence parts.

A.The hapless duck fell from the sky with a loud thud and quacking as it descended.

b.Abraham Lincoln was endowed with a quick wit, with a keen intellect, and with the ability to write and deliver moving speeches.

c.The group can either follow the fellow in the yellow raincoat or wait here until the rain subsides.

d.He hesitated to tell her the news of his engagement and about the wedding that was to take place the following week.

the answer is b

No, B is correct.

Again, focus on verb tenses.

its a

Yes, A.

To identify errors in consistency, such as shifts in verb tense or a lack of parallel structure, examine each sentence carefully.

Let's go through each option and analyze them:

A. "The hapless duck fell from the sky with a loud thud and quacking as it descended."

In this sentence, there doesn't seem to be any issues with consistency or parallelism. The verb tense is consistent, and the sentence parts are parallel - "with a loud thud" and "with quacking."

B. "Abraham Lincoln was endowed with a quick wit, with a keen intellect, and with the ability to write and deliver moving speeches."

This sentence is correct and maintains parallel structure. "Was endowed with" is repeated before each descriptor (quick wit, keen intellect, ability to write and deliver moving speeches). So, there are no issues with consistency or parallelism in this sentence.

C. "The group can either follow the fellow in the yellow raincoat or wait here until the rain subsides."

Here, there is no inconsistency or lack of parallelism. The verb tense is consistent, and the two options presented are parallel in structure - "follow the fellow" and "wait here."

D. "He hesitated to tell her the news of his engagement and about the wedding that was to take place the following week."

This sentence is also consistent and parallel. The verb tense is consistent, and the sentence parts - "the news of his engagement" and "about the wedding" - are parallel in structure.

Therefore, the correct answer is not just option B, but rather all of the given sentences are free of errors in consistency and parallelism.