Errors in the use of punctuation marks - Semicolons and Colons

the answer is c.

A.Daniel Boone was born in Pennsylvania; his parents were English Quakers.

B.Leftover turkey can be used in turkey tetrazzini, turkey burgers, and turkey chowder.

C.In 1819, the Baptists founded Hamilton Literary and Theological Seminary; which was renamed Colgate University when soap maker William Colgate donated a large sum of money to the school.

D.Star Trek: The Motion Picture was criticized for too many special effects; in contrast, Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan focused more on plot and characters.


The error in the use of punctuation marks - semicolons and colons - can be found in option C.

In option C, the sentence states: "In 1819, the Baptists founded Hamilton Literary and Theological Seminary; which was renamed Colgate University when soap maker William Colgate donated a large sum of money to the school."

The error lies in the use of the semicolon in this sentence. Semicolons are used to connect two independent clauses (complete sentences) that are closely related. However, in this case, the semicolon is incorrectly used to connect an independent clause and a dependent clause.

To correct this sentence, we need to replace the semicolon with a colon. Colons are used to introduce a list, an explanation, or a clarification of the preceding clause. The clause following the colon should be an independent clause or a complete thought.

Therefore, the corrected sentence will be: "In 1819, the Baptists founded Hamilton Literary and Theological Seminary: which was renamed Colgate University when soap maker William Colgate donated a large sum of money to the school."