Why are taboos used by authors in their writing?

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what are the importance of taboos and why are they used in modern literature. Are taboos considered a characterisc of modernism

Many writers throughout history have broken taboos in their writing. In other words, they've challenged the status quo. In time, many of these taboos have disappeared and have become the accepted norm.

Authors use taboos in their writing to challenge societal norms, provoke thought, and evoke emotions in readers. Taboos are social or cultural prohibitions, often related to sensitive or controversial subjects that are considered inappropriate, unacceptable, or even forbidden. By incorporating taboos into their writing, authors can explore complex and uncomfortable topics, pushing the limits of what is considered permissible or polite. This allows them to break barriers, delving into themes such as sexuality, violence, religion, and politics, which may provoke readers to question their own beliefs and biases.

Taboos help create a sense of tension and urgency in a story, as they introduce conflict and controversy. They can also serve as a powerful tool to comment on society, shedding light on injustices or inequalities. By presenting taboo subjects in literature, authors can unveil the hidden aspects of human nature, challenge mainstream ideologies, and highlight the taboo topics that are often ignored or silenced in society.

To get a deeper understanding of why authors use taboos in their writing, one can analyze the historical and cultural context, the author's intentions, as well as the readers' responses and reactions. Reading critical analyses, exploring author interviews, and engaging in discussions with others can provide valuable insights into the purpose and impact of taboos in literature. Understanding the motives behind the use of taboos can enrich the reading experience and foster a deeper appreciation for the significance of these narrative choices.