Today, you can see events such as floods, battles, or spacecraft launches as they are happening. A hundred years ago, this would not have been possible. How do you think modern technology ( tv, computers, the internet)makes you think differently about this kind of event than people who lived a hundred years ago did?

We'll be glad to critique YOUR answer.

i don't know like how to explain.. i don't understand the question

The question is asking you to think about how people learned the news 100 years ago. How did they feel about the news then? How is it different today with tv, computers, and the internet? Do you think we view these events in a different way than people did in the early 1900s?

Modern technology, including TV, computers, and the internet, has significantly changed the way we perceive and interact with events happening around the world. A hundred years ago, people relied on limited sources of information such as newspapers, telegrams, and word of mouth to learn about distant events. This resulted in delayed and often incomplete understanding.

However, today's technology enables us to experience events in real-time, providing immediate access to information and global connectivity. Here's how it influences our perception:

1. Timeliness: With modern technology, we can witness events as they unfold. Live TV broadcasts, online streaming, and real-time updates allow us to follow events moment by moment. This immediate access alters our understanding and engagement with the event since we are virtually present, even if physically distant.

2. Visual Impact: Technologies like TV and live video streaming bring events to life through visual representation. Seeing the actual scenes and visuals associated with an event enhances our understanding and emotional connection. For example, watching live footage of a flood or witnessing actual battles through news broadcasts creates a more vivid and emotional impact compared to reading about it in newspapers.

3. Multiple Perspectives: The internet enables us to access various sources and perspectives. We can gather information from different news outlets, eyewitnesses, experts, and social media platforms. This diversity of perspectives provides a more comprehensive understanding of events, challenging our preconceived notions and allowing us to form a well-rounded opinion.

4. Global Awareness and Connection: Technology has connected people across the globe, breaking down boundaries of distance and time. Through the internet and social media, we can interact with individuals directly affected by events or participate in discussions with individuals from different backgrounds. This global connectedness broadens our perspective, affecting the way we think and empathize with others.

Overall, modern technology transforms our understanding and perception of events by providing timely, visual, and diverse information. It fosters global awareness, empowers individuals to participate, and enhances the emotional impact of witnessing events as they happen.