Can you please tell me what this means?I don't understand it at all. Thank you for your help. I hate this type of literature.

Modernism is that if everything is based on perception, then history is false; therefore the society emerges from that history is also false. The purpose of modernistic art is to save us from the deadening features of everyday life, especially the desensitizing elements in urban, industrial society. Modernists believe that the central issue of life is that we do exist, but that things have no meaning for us, unless we interact with them. We create meaning.

This sounds like existentialism to me!!

Certainly! I understand that literature can be confusing, but let's break down the meaning of this passage.

This passage is discussing the concept of modernism in art and its relationship to society. Modernism suggests that everything is subjective and based on individual perception. According to modernism, if our perception of reality is not reliable, then history, which is also based on perception, could be false as well. Therefore, the society that emerges from that history would also be considered false.

The purpose of modernist art, as mentioned in the passage, is to counter the monotony and dullness of everyday life, particularly in urban and industrial societies. Modernist artists believe that life lacks meaning unless we actively engage with the things around us and create our own interpretations. They emphasize the idea that we have the power to give meaning to the world.

So, to sum up, this passage suggests that modernism challenges the notion of objective reality, highlighting the role of perception in shaping our understanding of history and society. Modernist art aims to awaken individuals from the mundane aspects of life and encourages them to actively construct meaning in their own experiences.

I hope this explanation clarifies the meaning of the passage for you. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!