Error in consistency and parallelism. the answer is a.

A.Clipper ships designed primarily for speed and that had a limited amount of cargo space easily outpaced the first plodding steamships.
B.The room was sparsely furnished and dimly lit.
C.Radio Marti, a U.S. government radio service broadcasting from the Florida Keys, gives the people of Cuba news uncensored by Castro.
D.Marsupials include kangaroos found in Australia and opossums found in North America.


To determine the error in consistency and parallelism, we need to identify any mismatches in the structure or form of the sentence.

The correct answer is A. The sentence lacks parallelism.

The sentence states, "Clipper ships designed primarily for speed and that had a limited amount of cargo space easily outpaced the first plodding steamships."

The structure of the sentence is not parallel because it combines two different forms of verb phrases: "designed primarily for speed" and "that had a limited amount of cargo space."

To correct this inconsistency and make the sentence parallel, we could rewrite it as follows:
"Clipper ships, designed primarily for speed and with a limited amount of cargo space, easily outpaced the first plodding steamships."

In this revised version, both verb phrases now follow a similar structure (designed... and with...).