sentence contain and error in adjectives and adverbs. The answer is a.

A.Jupiter is more far away from the sun than is Earth.
B.Today slim women are considered beautiful, but in the age of Rubens, pleasingly plump females were in fashion.
C.An ace in the outfield, she caught every pop fly; but she could not hit the ball very well.
D.The bubble exhibit in the children's museum effectively demonstrates principles that relate to surface tension.

Right. :-)

The sentence that contains an error in adjectives and adverbs is:

A. Jupiter is more far away from the sun than is Earth.

In this sentence, the error lies in the use of the adjective "more" with the adverb "far." The correct form should be the comparative form of the adjective "far," which is "farther." Therefore, the corrected sentence would be:

A. Jupiter is farther away from the sun than is Earth.