Sentence contain an error in Adjectives and Adverbs.

A.Asparagus tastes good when it is accompanied by a hollandaise sauce.

B.Sometimes the camera must be held vertically in order to frame the whole scene.

C.Cross-country skiing is an effective and efficient type of aerobic exercise.

D.Lincoln's leadership as president, commander-in-chief, and head of the Republican Party is real impressive.

It is A.

Re-think this one. It's not A.

Nope... look at one of your previous sentences that I made a suggestion for correction.

im thinking this one is D


To identify the error in sentence A, we need to analyze the usage of adjectives and adverbs in the sentence.

The adverb "good" is used to describe the verb "tastes". However, the correct adverb to use in this context would be "well" instead of "good".

To come to this conclusion, we can ask the question "How does asparagus taste?" The answer would be "It tastes well." The adjective "good" is used to describe nouns, not verbs.

Therefore, the error in sentence A is the use of the adverb "good" instead of "well". A correct version of the sentence would be:
"Asparagus tastes well when it is accompanied by a hollandaise sauce."