Find the value of x when y is 5.

what's the equation tho?

THE QUESTION JUST TELL ME TO USE A GRAPH TO find the specified value.

A graph is used to relate two variables x, and y using a relation called a function.

For example, y=2x is a function that tells us that y has a value equal to twice the value of x.
This is what Jenny asked about, the "equation", or the function that relates x and y.

It is possible that the question just asked the specified value. However, modern textbooks often define a relation, or a function, at the beginning somewhere, and the following 4 or 10 questions refer to that particular function.

Can you look up a few lines to see if this is the case?

To find the value of x when y is 5, we need more information. The given information is not sufficient to determine the value of x. We would need at least one equation or relationship involving x and y to calculate the value of x. If you provide a specific equation or context, I can help you solve for x.