Iguess I did but I always thought too that the thesis couldn't be a question or more than 25 words.

Following strict rules, a question shouldn't be a thesis statement. However, in this case, the question is the only logical thesis in this essay.

In other words, don't try a question as a thesis statement with your English teacher. <g>

Ok I got you.

When it comes to writing a thesis statement, there are some guidelines to follow, but they may vary depending on the specific requirements set by your instructor or the writing style you are using. In general, a thesis statement should:

1. Clearly state your main argument or claim about the topic.
2. Provide a clear direction for your essay and guide your readers.
3. Be concise and specific, capturing the essence of your overall point.

While it is true that a traditional thesis statement is often a declarative statement, it doesn't necessarily mean that it can't be posed as a question or exceed 25 words. The traditional approach aims for a concise statement, but it's also possible to have a more complex or longer thesis depending on the complexity of your topic and the requirements of your assignment.

If you are unsure about the specific guidelines for your thesis statement, it is always a good idea to check with your instructor or refer to your assignment prompt for clarification. They can provide you with the most accurate information and guidance for your particular situation.